Since the beginning we strive that the clients having our refrigeration equipment or air distribution systems would supply highest quality production to the market.
Our projects:
- Five beer and kvass brewing companies
- Climate control and monitoring systems for growing of champignons
- Flower storage rooms
- Ice accumulators for milk and beer industries
- Fast freezing rooms and tunnel freezing for berries since 1997
- Negative temperature storage rooms for fish
- Refrigeration at chocolate and ice cream factories
- Cooled warehouses for major vegetable growers since 1997
- Air distribution systems for potatoes and onions
- Banana ripening chambers with our control systems
- Water cooling systems
- Air-conditioning
- Heat pumps
By constantly observing production cooling process we have built up an extensive database and experience that continually adjusts designing of new refrigeration systems.
Our storage rooms and warehouses in Lithuania and Belarus can currently store about 45'000 tons of carrots and cabbages, about 9000 t. potatoes and onions, 500 tons - apples. Berries processing business can daily freeze 200t. berries or mushrooms. In Lithuania, Belarus and Russian Federation, our negative temperature refrigerators currently store more than 10'000t. frozen production.
Based on many years of experience, we can confirm that high quality cooling equipment and periodic its maintenance is a major benefit for a customer: a significant reduction in the number of failures and lower service time.
While repairing refrigeration systems, we change not only the parts, but also eliminate the causes of failure. Directly working with well-known and reliable refrigeration equipment manufacturers, we have a great design and installation experience, so we can guarantee the quality of work.